Monday, August 15, 2005


"Did you drop off the face of the earth or what? Your fans want an update!"

Okay okay, so it's been a month and a half since a post... and damn, does it feel like a lifetime already!

Lessee, the trip to DisneyLand was awesome! We took turns driving and powered through from Seattle to Anaheim in 20 hours... the worst part was that we hit LA at about 5pm, so it took us 2 hours alone to get through that mess! My girls were just big enough to get on some of the bigger-kid rides, so they had an excellent time. Wifey and I talked about swinging by to check out the Commerce one evening, but we ended up staying at Disneyland until closing both nights we were there and were just too pooped when we got back to the hotel room to even think about leaving again.

The drive back up the coast was nice and relaxing... stopped at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk and got to dip our toes in the sand and ocean. And though we had our camping gear packed in the van, we decided to save it for another time and just headed straight home. We knew there were a couple casinos in Northern California (Rolling Hills) and in Oregon (Seven Feathers), so the deal was that if we happened to pass by one during late evening, when it was dinner time and it was cooler outside (we had the dogs with us), we would stop to feed the kids and of course, throw a couple of bucks around. Unfortunately, our drive took us past during the hottest hours of the day and everyone had just eaten, so there was absolutely no gambling to be had during the road trip.

Back in the office on the 5th of July and had a wonderful time playing paperwork catch-up, since I didn't go online for office purposes once during my week vacation (which is an amazing feat for me!). As I finally got back on top of things at the end of my second week back, I took a sigh of relief, but only a short one, because I knew I was going to be doing it all again since the company was sending me to Dallas for a week for software training.

So a week vacation, two weeks back at work, and then a week long business trip. If you couldn't tell, I've been a bit busy... too busy to type out a few hundred words here, but never too busy to play some Poker! Shot an email before I left to Jaxia at and found a card-room in Dallas, where I actually money'd in their daily tournament! I've had a couple of other tournament successes (and failures) since I've been back home.

I'll flood my "fans" with those stories over the next couple of days. It always comes down to quality versus quantity, so I'll go with the quantity to make up for the missing month+! Besides, it'll give me something to do 'cause my boss is on vacation this week and I won't have to work too hard at trying to look busy.