Friday, February 03, 2006

Game Time

The Big Game is just around the corner. There's been a lot of dissing of Seattle, and not just of the 'Hawks, but of the city itself. Just look for any Skip Bayless or Rick Reilly article, where they say the Seahawks are going to lose because the city they come from is too soft, too nice. Too nice??? Geez, we can't help it if Seattle-ites are a polite crowd and don't mind showing a little common courtesy to others. Unlike some Steelers fans, you don't see any Seattle bloggers badmouthing the opposition or their hometown.

My heart weeps for the future of our society if the rest of the country doesn't know what to do when presented with a modicum of decency.


I hope that somewhere along the first drive, Joey Porter gets his helmet knocked off and his noggin thudded and we see him sprawled out across midfield calling for his mama. He wants to get physical? He can find out how physical the 'Hawks can get just by asking Sean Taylor of the Redskins or Nick Goings of the Panthers, that is, if they can see straight yet!

Someone said of the silliness that abounds: "Stevens' remarks were directed towards Bettis, so why didn't Bettis retort? Because he's a mature person!"


Oh sorry, that must have been my non-Seattle personality creeping out for a sec. Let me take another sip of my latte here. Ahhh. Yes, the Steelers are a great bunch of guys, and it should be a very competitive game between two very good football teams! May the best team win.


While on the subject of games on TV, my mostest favoritest game of all time is back on the air: Survivor! An interesting start to the new season, with the 16 being divided into 4 groups, older men versus younger men versus older women versus younger women. I think if I had made it onto this cast, I would've had the same reaction as the black lady, "What? Why am I on the 'old' team???"

As far as first episodes go, this one was pretty dull. The smaller tribes make for less dynamics between people, and it was kind of weird seeing a 4 person Tribal Council right off the bat! But I must admit, I like the new dress code they enforced, at least for the younger women's tribe. Those were some itsy-bitsy-teenie-weenie-no-room-for-any-polka-dot bikini briefs those girls were wearing. Good thing too, 'cause there wasn't much to look at above the neck.

Not that I watch Survivor for the skin, of course, but it's a nice little distraction. Dancing With The Stars, on the other hand... now that the comedic relief of Frankenstein P is gone, I get my votes in for Jerry Rice, not just because he was a one-time Seahawk, but because of his red-headed Russian dancing partner that always wears only the front half of a dress... hubba hubba! And then there's Stacy Kiebler. 'Nuff said. (A quick search on will do ya wonders!)

Okay, that's all I've got to say about Thursday night TV. If you aren't watching along, at least be sure to check out TVGasm and their hilarious recaps.

Now, back to huffing and puffing and machoing up for Super Sunday! The 'Hawks are gonna soar high and rain down a storm of 'Hawk poo all over the Bus' windshield... and I hope they drop a load right into Porter's wide open mouth as well!