Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Soggy Halloween

Monday was pretty uneventful, as far as Halloweens go in our neighborhood. With the rain pouring down all weekend, most of the kids, including mine, were doing their trick-or-treating indoors at the mall. And after I had spent all of my Saturday hanging up ghosties in the trees and spreading the cobwebs around the bushes... I coulda been playing Poker instead!

I actually haven't played since taking my beating from The Rock last week, except for the required 4 hours on PokerBlue and then the one measly hour I lasted in the Sunday FreeRoll. At least Daylight Savings Time had ended, so I got that hour back. My wife's back home too, but she needs to get herself readjusted to West Coast time before trying to make it through the Midnight tourneys.

Kind of a weird time for me... it was right about now a year ago that I went ape-shit with some online gambling funds (non-poker related) and took the nastiest bad beat of my life to the tune of 5 figures. I'm too scared, embarrassed and ashamed to link it or even go back and read about it again right now, but it's there in the archives, ready to taunt me for the rest of my life. I may have gotten over it, but I don't think I ever really recovered. It haunts me all the time... kind of fitting for this team of year I guess. I think the only way I'm going to really get past it, really feel that I've made up for the loss, is to score some major tourney win, or hit the Lotto. With the way things go some days, I get the feeling I have pretty much the same chances at either of those options.